Our financial offering

We offer a wide investment universe enabling us to define a strategy in line with each client’s investment horizon and risk sensitivity while also taking into account their asset situation. 

A broad investment universe

Our financial offering, which is one of the most comprehensive on the market, has an open-architecture design to meet the diversification needs of wealth management clients. 

Insurance Options

Unit-linked funds

Values that support our partners


We work with asset managers and banks to design innovative investment vehicles 


The response time is:  

  • three business days for CIS, increasing to five business days for formula-based funds and foreign structured funds 
  • five business days for complex financial instruments 


Our eligibility criteria are regularly updated to reflect changes in contractual requirements, regulations and your needs, in accordance with the Luxembourg Insurance Code and/or the Luxembourg Insurance Commission’s Circular Letter on investment rules for life insurance products linked to investment funds 


We carry out a two-step, independent valuation of the structured products selected as unit-linked funds for our contracts. We also produce a special financial appendix summarising the technical features of those investment vehicles 

" Our commitment: excellent service, a comprehensive offering and fast response times.  

We do our utmost to meet our partners’ needs efficiently and in a professional manner. ”

Damien Trémel

Head of Actuarial Services, Products and Finance 

View documents containing information about your products and/or investment vehicles

We provide you with documents containing information about your savings products and their investment vehicles in accordance with the following obligations: 

  • Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) Regulation: product KIDs and the KIIDs/KIDs for their investment vehicles, including the key features and associated risks; 
  • Market agreement on the transparency of fees: the fee schedule for your product; 
  • Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR): appendices containing pre-contractual and periodic information on the environmental or social characteristics of investment vehicles. 

For your final investment, please see the list of investment vehicles in the financial appendix which your advisor will give you. 

Due to the temporary unavailability of our partner's financial and extra-financial information website, we are providing you here with information documents for your wealth insurance products, including those denominated in euros or other currencies, as well as allocation profiles, Dedicated Internal Funds (DIF), Collective Internal Funds (CIF), and Specialized Insurance Funds (SIF).